August 2020 - Epic Adventure
The Epic Adventure
Chasing freighter waves in Puget Sound
Adventures come in all shapes and sizes. Like when I changed a diaper for the first time. Starting with baby wipes, only two left? Then a pair of dirty socks, paper towels, and eventually a garden hose (not the “jet spray” setting, I am not an animal.) The Cambridge English dictionary defines “adventure” as: an unusual, exciting and possibly dangerous activity such as a trip or experience. Changing that diaper was certainly not exciting, but if my wife saw me with that garden hose, well, danger would abound.
Another member described a pleasant hike in a nearby forest which served as a minor adventure for his young children. That is, until a violent thunderstorm rolled in, soaking the family as if they stood under a thousand garden hoses. Suddenly, the three mile return became something bigger: scared children, worried parents, and the wonderful relief of making it to the car without being struck by lightning. That adventure became part of family lore.
To climb Devil's Tower...or not.
As a Half-Lifer, adventures are probably common for you. Wake surfing, skiing, hiking. . . any of a thousand different pursuits that are filled with excitement and perhaps an element of danger. Of course travel itself can be great adventure, although it is more difficult these days. Certainly overseas travel to experience a foreign culture is out of the question. But that didn't stop us from undertaking a recent family road trip, setting up the camper-trailer at 2 am in the Missoula Walmart parking lot, getting rousted at 4 am by the sheriff, at 6 am, spilling scalding McDonald’s coffee in the lap, the dog stealing an Egg McMuffin and later vomiting on the rear seat. . . Not fun at the time, but looking back, these are the adventures that make up the substance of a life well-lived (even if that vomit smell still lingers.)
Wakefoiling Elliott Bay Seattle
The Half-Life team believes strongly in the idea of, once or twice in our lives, doing something bigger, something crazier. What we call the Epic Adventure. Something that takes us way outside our comfort zone, to someplace where our talents and abilities are challenged, where we are forced to examine ourselves. . . not our titles or accomplishments, but who we are as persons, and in the process, to grow. (And to be honest, part of the Epic Adventure is the chance, nay the duty to say to your friends, “Let me tell you about my summer vacation. . .”)
Now, by Epic, we don’t mean you have to climb Aconcagua, then jump off the peak in a squirrel suit, sailing down above the glaciers until you parachute onto a Buenos Aires Starbucks patio, fixing your surgical mask in place before saying, “Café con leche por favor.”
Squirrel Wingsuits - Sprint Model
Maybe that appeals to you, but more likely, your idea of Epic is different than mine. (In all truth, I have never attempted squirrel flight, unless you count falling out of a tree.) We would love to hear your ideas for an Epic Adventure. Something you have done, or something you want to do. Perhaps one of our many Half-Lifers can help make it happen. We are an amazing collection of adventure hounds.
Paddling through a glacier bay on a surfboard
Speaking of Epic Adventure, do not miss the World Premiere video of our Half-Life founders on their own trip-of-a-lifetime to surf Alaska. A stunningly beautiful account of three regular guys on an epic, crazy excursion to one of the most beautiful places on earth. Within the next 4-6 weeks we will release 'Milo: The Last Frontier' in association with Bing Surfboards and Slingshot Sports. Details to follow - please be sure to let us know if you'd like to attend!
As always, we encourage you to follow us on Instagram @halflifet.5 and to check out our YouTube videos Send us your pictures and videos so that together we can motivate each other to make sure that we carve out more time for the things we love to do. The Good Half.